This volume contains dozens of new races and individual creatures for use with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Included here are the following categories: Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Great Old Ones, Great Ones, Avatars, Servitor Races, Independent Races, Fabulous Creatures, and Unique Entities.
The books is divided into the following sections:
About Monstres,
Chaosium Pronounciation of Mythos Names (sidebar),
Creatures of the Mythos (fifty-nine Mythos entities/monsters)
Composite Index (being a master index of all monsters included in the 5th Edition rules plus this compendium and its predecessor)
These monstrous creations have been collected from fiction spanning over seventy years and from over ten years of favorite Call of Cthulhu scenarios. The darkly imaginative work of a diverse group of authors is represented here. Where possible each entry begins with a quote describing the monster or entity. Where much about the creature is known, there may be an additional description. If discussing a god, Great One, or Great Old One, notice of any human cult comes next. Further notes discuss habit, habitat, or attack.
An essential aid for players, investigators, and keepers.