38,37 €

Muy difícil de conseguir. Impecable. TEXTO EN INGLÉS. Aunque no tengas un gran nivel de inglés, se trata de un pack de documentación diversa que dará un toque muy especial y realista a tus partidas: hojas de registro, de control médico, de defunción, recetas.... Es realmente impresionante.



Política de envío


Política de seguridad

The batle against the horrors of the myihos often leaves an investigator dead or insane. In either case, a paper trail has formed, one that can lead new, ignorant investigators into realms of unspeakable evil.

This supplement contains a large number of useful forms for use in a Call of Cthulhu® game. Death certificates, insanity certificates, patient records, and even fingerprint forms are all included and may be used immediaiely. Also included is a Sanitarium prescription pad ideal for live-action play sessions. Use it to write "prescriptions" in a game, or just as something the players and keeper may scribble on.

3 Artículos
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